In some cases, decay can spread so deeply into a tooth that it causes an abscess, a serious infection that can lead to bone loss in the jaw. Rather than extracting the tooth, which itself can lead to bone loss down the road, a root canal is often a viable option for saving the tooth and surrounding jaw structure.

A root canal is the process of removing the nerves from the roots of a tooth, saving its structure, and, at the same time, eliminating infection and pain. Root canals typically take one or two appointments. After numbing the affected area, we carefully open the nerve canals, remove the nerves and decay, and fill the tooth with a sterile, medicated solution to combat further infection. Most teeth with root canals are crowned to restore them to their original appearance.

Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

There are a number of reasons why one of your teeth may need a root canal, including a very deep cavity, trauma, or cracks that extend into or expose the nerve of the tooth.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Moderate to severe lingering toothache pain when drinking hot or cold liquids or foods
  • Moderate to severe pain when biting on a tooth
  • Sensitivity to tapping or pressure on the tooth
  • Toothache that wakes you up in the middle of the night
  • A pimple on your gum that may release pus or blood
  • Radiating pain from one area of the mouth to another

If you’re having trouble with toothache, we will diagnose the problem and decide if a root canal is the correct treatment. And remember, a good program of preventive care and daily brushing and flossing will keep decay from starting and worsening.

Why Choose Uptown Park Dental?

  • Top Technology

    Diagnosis, treatment, and comfort to ensure our patients have positive experiences and beautiful smiles.

  • Convenient Location

    Uptown Park Shoprring Center is situated just north of the Houston Galleria, our beautiful office is a peaceful oasis in a central, easily-accessible location.

  • Full Range of Services

    Offering a complete spectrum of general and cosmetic services, we provide comprehensive dental care under a single roof in a relaxing, comfortable environment.